Expression Stream


Enhancing Efficiency, Quality, and Cost-Effectiveness

Addressing the rising demand for recombinant proteins requires the integration of cutting-edge research and advanced techniques with the latest tools and technologies. The Expression Stream centers on 1) overcoming challenges in the expression, production, and purification of hard-to-express recombinant proteins, 2) assessing various expression hosts and platforms to identify the optimal system for producing your recombinant protein of interest, and 3) implementing management strategies for efficient protein production laboratories. These strategic back-to-back tracks explore the newest data, innovations, and methods to make the expression and production of valuable recombinant therapeutic proteins more streamlined, effective, and reliable.

Conferences Include:

May 12-13

Difficult-to-Express Proteins

May 13-14

Optimizing Protein Expression

May 15-16

Maximizing Protein Production Workflows

Keynote and Featured Speakers:

Introns: From Nature to Design
Kart TombergKart Tomberg, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO, ExpressionEdits Ltd.

Optimizing Codon Bias for Improved Productivity in Cellular Stress
Susan SharfsteinSusan Sharfstein, PhD, Professor of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany

PANEL DISCUSSION: Higher-Throughput Protein Production Challenges: Methodologies, Strategies, and the Art of Managing Multiple Projects


Richard AltmanRichard Altman, MS, Field Application Scientist, Life Science Solutions, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Ruth L. SaxlRuth L. Saxl, PhD, Senior Manager, Protein Sciences, Scientific Services, Jackson Laboratory

VoldborgBjørn Voldborg, MSc, Head, National Biologics Facility, DTU Bioengineering, Technical University of Denmark

Jessica WilliamsonJessica Williamson, PhD, Head, US Protein Sciences, UCB

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Premier Sponsors

FairJourneyBiologics GenScript-CRO Integral-Molecular_NEW  OmniAbUnchainedLabs