14th Annual

Immunogenicity Assessment and Management

Evaluating Clinical Relevance and Mitigating Toxicity

May 3 - 4, 2022 | Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA | EDT

The 14th Annual Immunogenicity Assessment & Management conference brings industry practitioners together to share best practices on developing, validating and applying risk-based approaches to immunogenicity assessment, from assays, to predictive tools, to clinical impact studies. Learn how to manage drug tolerance and target interference, understand the impact of pre-existing antibodies and interpret the clinical relevance of immunogenicity/ADA data. Novel modalities, such as gene and cell therapies, mRNA vaccine, nanoparticles and multi-domain antibodies all pose new challenges to the industry, and will continue to be a focused topic at this conference.

Tuesday, May 3

1:40 pm Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Exhibit Hall A & B)



2:15 pm

Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Kate Peng, PhD, Director/Principle Scientist, BioAnalytical Sciences, Genentech
2:20 pm

Evaluation of the Humoral Response to AAV-Based Gene Therapy Modalities Using Total Antibody Assays

Boris Gorovits, PhD, Vice President, in vitro Pharmacology, Biomarker Discovery and Bioanalysis, Sana Biotechnology

The number of oviral vector-based gene therapies (GTx) is quickly growing with two products (Zolgensma and Luxturna) already approved in the US. Majority of GTx therapeutics are adeno-associated virus-based (AAV) vectors. Pre-existing humoral immunity against AAVs presents a significant concern as it is expected to impact treatment safety and/or efficacy. Patients are commonly screened for the anti-AAV antibodies in either neutralizing (NAb) or total binding antibody (TAb) detecting assays. Presentation will review current opinions on value of TAb vs. NAb assays, recommendations for the development and validation of anti-AAV TAb methods, parameters critical for monitoring of assay performance.

2:50 pm

Investigating the Clinical Impact of the Immunogenicity for a Bispecific Antibody

Wenyu Liu, PhD, Scientist, Bioanalysis, Genentech, Inc.

Immunogenicity assessment is an integral part of biotherapeutics development. Anti-drug antibody (ADA) measurements inform the host responses against the biotherapeutics treatment, and interpretation of ADA results should be performed within the relevant clinical context. This presentation highlights a case study for a bispecific therapeutic with a focus on bioanalytical strategy considerations and analysis of ADA impact on other clinical endpoints.

Greg A. Kirchenbaum, PhD, Senior Staff Scientist, Cellular Technology Limited
3:50 pm Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Exhibit Hall A & B)



Optimizing Patient Outcome with Prevention and Mitigation Strategies for Immunogenicity of Therapeutic Proteins

Amy Rosenberg, MD, Senior Director of Immunology and Protein Therapeutics, Epivax

The development of immune responses to protein therapeutics, gene therapies and cellular therapies can be devastating, from loss of a highly effective therapeutic, to incurring safety issues such as hypersensitivity responses, cross reactive neutralization of an endogenous homologue of the therapeutic with unique function, to elimination of the efficacy of life-saving or highly effective therapeutics. This seminar will discuss both prevention and mitigation strategies and will focus on deimmunization of protein therapeutics as a preventive strategy, and immune tolerance induction as a preventive and mitigation strategy. Significant advances in both areas will be presented that clearly poise us to take advantage of these modalities to improve patient outcome for the most devastating diseases.

5:00 pm

Application of Predictive Technologies to Assess Risk of Critical Quality Attributes to Justify Safe Specifications for Patients

Marisa Joubert, PhD, Scientific Director and Group Leader, Amgen

Several case studies will be discussed that explore the utilization of predictive data for assessing immunogenicity risk to justify the setting or widening of safe specifications for patients in regulatory filings.


5:30 pm

From Critical Reagent Characterization to Immunogenicity Assay Development

Krisna C. Duong-Ly, PhD, Assoc Principal Scientist, Regulated Bioanalytic, Merck Research Labs

While critical reagents are the basis for immunogenicity assays, few characterization guidelines have been provided by regulatory agencies. In addition to determining quality attributes, reagent characterization can enable assay development by guiding reagent selection and assay design to meet sensitivity, drug tolerance, and other criteria. Here, we will describe several reagent characterization approaches and provide examples of how the resultant data have been used to develop and optimize immunogenicity assays.

6:00 pm Close of Day
6:00 pm Dinner Short Course Registration (Hynes Main Lobby)
6:30 pm Recommended Dinner Short Course*

*Short Courses will be offered in-person only. Separate registration required. See short course page for details.

Wednesday, May 4

7:30 am Registration and Morning Coffee (Hynes Main Lobby)



8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Boris Gorovits, PhD, Vice President, in vitro Pharmacology, Biomarker Discovery and Bioanalysis, Sana Biotechnology
8:30 am

Preclinical Immunogenicity Risk Assessment of Biologics Using CD4 T Cell Proliferation Assays

Robin E. Walsh, MS, Senior Principal Toxicologist, ImmunoSafety, Eli Lilly & Co.

Immune responses to biologics can change or reduce their efficacy and may increase adverse events. Anti-drug antibodies are associated with clinical immunogenicity. CD4 T cell epitopes contained within the sequences of biologics are the key drivers of immunogenicity. This presentation will address CD4 T cell assays to assess control biologics to demonstrate how T cell dependent immune responses are important in the overall strategy in immunogenicity risk assessment.

9:00 am

In silico and in vitro T Cell Assay to Predict Immunogenicity of Biotherapeutic Products

Sivan Cohen, PhD, Scientist, Genentech

Immune responses to biotherapeutics have the potential to affect pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety and efficacy of the product. To ensure product quality and to reduce the risks of unwanted immunogenicity, it is imperative to properly and proactively assess and mitigate immunogenicity risk of biotherapeutics. This talk will focus on in silico and in vitro T cell assays to characterize the immunogenic potential of different biotherapeutic proteins and their correlation to the clinically observed outcome

9:30 am

Thoughts Around Immunogenicity Risk Assessment & Mitigation Strategies for Low to Moderate Risk Biotherapeutics

Seema Kumar, PhD, Director & Head, Clinical Bioanalytical Sciences, EMD Serono, Inc.


Immunogenicity risk assessment (IRA) is an iterative process that requires a cross-functional effort to identify potential risk factors for immunogenicity and to build appropriate risk evaluation and mitigation strategies for clinical development. Early in drug discovery, in silico, and in vitro approaches are often used to identify immunogenic sequences and to de-risk lead candidates, wherever possible. As the lead candidate moves through development, IRA is reevaluated, and appropriate mitigation tools and de-risking strategies are implemented. This presentation will focus on our thought processes around IRA and mitigation strategies using a low to moderate risk biotherapeutic as a case study.

Anthony Stajduhar, Director Global Business Development, Rapid Novor

Polyclonal antibodies are widely used reagents in biotech and pharmaceutical industries due to their excellent performance characteristics and robust stability, but suffer from limited supply and batch-to-batch variability. Similarly, convalescent or vaccinated patient plasma has recently received much attention but met similar reproducibility challenges in clinical applications. Rapid Novor’s REpAb sequencing has overcome many of these challenges through the sequencing and recombinant expression of mAbs found directly from pAb mixtures.

Amanda Hays, Ph.D., Scientific Officer, BioAgilytix

It is important to understand the immune response elicited from cell and gene therapies. For most protein biotherapeutics, humoral immunogenicity is assessed using standard bridging anti-drug antibody assays. However, there has been a greater interest in characterizing cellular immunogenicity responses that has coincided with development of more advanced modalities, requiring the use of an array of different platforms. In this presentation, bioanalytical assays for understanding cellular immunogenicity will be discussed.

10:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Exhibit Hall A & B)
11:10 am Transition to Plenary Keynote



11:20 am

Plenary Keynote Introduction

Horacio G. Nastri, PhD, Associate Vice President, Biotherapeutics, Incyte Corporation
11:30 am

Future Directions in Drug Discovery & Development

Roger M. Perlmutter, MD, PhD, Chairman and CEO, Eikon Therapeutics, Inc.

The intrinsic complexity of human physiology has generally defeated attempts to model normal cellular functions, meaning that until recently we have had few tools to disentangle the molecular pathology associated with common illnesses. Now, dramatic improvements in instrumentation, automation, and computing provide ways to measure dynamic responses in living cells, and to use these measurements to identify both new disease targets, and new chemical starting points for future medicines. These fundamental advances, coupled with improvements in clinical trial design and execution, together offer hope that the new therapeutics landscape will include compounds with superior therapeutic indices, developed at lower cost. I will illustrate how these opportunities might materialize, drawing examples from current research that integrates image analysis, computation, engineering, molecular biology, and medicinal chemistry.

12:15 pm Session Break


Noel Smith, PhD, Head of Immunology, Early Development Services, Lonza

An understanding of the potential immunogenicity and immunotoxicity risk of your therapeutic candidate is a key part of pre-clinical development. While human primary cell assays can provide vital data to help support this assessment, the design and qualification of such human in vitro assays is key to generating high quality, reliable data to support both lead selection and regulatory filings.

1:00 pm Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:30 pm Find Your Table and Meet Your Discussion Moderator
1:35 pm Interactive Discussions (Exhibit Hall A & B)

Interactive Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Interactive Discussion page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

TABLE 10: When Is ADA Assessment Needed?

Seema Kumar, PhD, Director & Head, Clinical Bioanalytical Sciences, EMD Serono, Inc.
  • How sensitive does it need to be?
  • What’s the value of evaluating immunogenicity if you have good PKPD?
  • What does it mean when you pick up ADA activity?
  • How do you co-relate it with PKPD and clinical impact?

TABLE 11: Considerations of Immunogenicity Assessment for New Modalities 

Kate Peng, PhD, Director/Principle Scientist, BioAnalytical Sciences, Genentech

The new modality approaches hold the potential to tackle challenging therapeutic targets and difficult disease indications. However, there are also unforeseen challenges in the development of new modalities, including immunogenicity assessment. In this roundtable session, we will discuss

  • Considerations of immunogenicity assessment strategy for protein and cell therapeutics
  • Critical reagent generation
  • Data interpretation, and 
  • Communication with health authorities


2:20 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Bonnie Wu, PhD, Assoc Scientific Dir, Janssen R&D LLC
2:25 pm

Interference in a NAb Assay for a Bispecific mAb from a Prior Therapy and Possible Mitigation Strategy

Susan Irvin, PhD, Staff Scientist, Bioanalytical Strategy, Regeneron

Cell-based assays (CBA) for NAb are notoriously challenging: drug and soluble targets can generate false-positive/negative results even at low concentrations. In a CD20xCD3 bispecific CBA, prior anti-CD20 therapy (e.g., rituximab) was also shown to interfere. This was mitigated by addition of blocking mAbs, but each anti-CD20 therapy requires specific blockers. This highlights challenges with target-based NAb assays, both from exogenous therapies and endogenous anti-target antibodies (e.g., infectious disease).

2:55 pm

When to Extend Monitoring of Anti-Drug Antibodies for High Risk Biotherapeutics in Clinical Trials: An Opinion from the European Immunogenicity Platform

Daniel Kramer, PhD, Global Scientific Advisor, Clinical Immunogenicity, Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Health agencies do request to extend ADA monitoring for patients that developed an ADA response to the drug until ADAs return to baseline levels. However, there is no common understanding in which cases an extension of ADA follow-up sampling beyond the End of Study (EOS)  is required. In this talk, the European Immunogenicity Platform (EIP) provides recommendations under which circumstances such a follow-up of ADA-positive subjects should be considered.

Andrew Isidoridy, PhD, Immunology Sales Specialist, ProImmune, Inc.

Immunogenicity risk assessment is an essential step in bringing therapeutic drugs to the market. ProImmune's risk management tools evaluate immunogenic epitopes and the corresponding functional T cell responses that can lead to unwanted immune responses. Case studies will highlight how the integrated platform is used to address key questions in the drug development phase. 

3:55 pm Ice Cream Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Exhibit Hall A & B)
4:30 pm

ADA Characterization for Biotherapeutics: New Methods for the Analysis of the ADA Specificity

Kay-Gunnar Stubenrauch, PhD, Head, Large Molecule Bioanalytical Sciences 1, Roche Diagnostics

The immunogenicity assay package for Biotherapeutics includes screening, confirmation, titer and neutralizing antibody (Nab) assays. Besides such well-known assays, analysis of the ADA specificity might be beneficial in order to understand an immune response and their potential impact. The presentation gives an overview on established and new methods including case studies for illustration of their challenges and chances.

5:00 pm

All We Need Is Screen: Rethinking the Standard Anti-Drug Antibody Tiered Testing Strategy

Daniel J. Baltrukonis, MA, MBA, Senior Director, Biologics Team Lead, Clinical Assay Group, Clinical Pharmacology, Global Product Development, Pfizer Inc.

Over the past 15 years, the assessment of anti-drug antibodies (ADA) to biotherapeutics has predominantly used a tiered testing strategy of screen, confirm, and titer as standard practice. However, simplification of this testing strategy is possible, based on today’s improved methodologies and a better understanding of what ADA tiered data provides. Clinical case studies will be presented that support when and why confirmatory and/or titer assays may not be necessary.

6:00 pm Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Exhibit Hall A & B)
7:00 pm Close of Immunogenicity Assessment & Management

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