Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 8th Annual


Engineering Strategies to Advance Cellular Immunotherapies

May 12 - 13, 2021 ALL TIMES EDT

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 8th Annual CAR Ts, TCRs and TILs conference focuses on the latest engineering strategies, techniques and tools driving the development of cell-based immunotherapies such as CAR Ts, TILs and TCRs for cancer and immune disorders. Topics include novel engineering strategies for solid tumors, allogenic therapy, gene editing, lessons learnt from the clinic, and strategies beyond T cells.

Wednesday, May 12


11:30 am

Cryo-Electron Microscopy Structures of Spike Glycoproteins Suggest Pan-Coronavirus Antiviral Strategy

Christine Toelzer, Research Associate, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

We research antivirals to combat present and future coronavirus pandemics. We discovered linoleic acid bound to a hydrophobic pocket in the Cryo-EM structure of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein. Ligand binding locked the protein in a compact closed conformation. Conservation of key AA residues suggested a similar pocket exists in other pathogenic coronaviruses.

12:00 pm LIVE:

Q&A with Young Scientist Keynote

Panel Moderator:
Kent Simmons, Senior Conference Producer, Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Christine Toelzer, Research Associate, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
12:10 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall



Tisa-Cel: Real World Outcomes across B Cell Malignancies

David L. Porter, MD, Professor & Director Cell Therapy & Transplantation, Hematology & Oncology, University of Pennsylvania

Trials using CAR T cells showed dramatic responses in relapsed/refractory B-ALL and NHL leading to FDA approval of 3 CAR T cell products as of Dec 2020. Tisagenlecleucel was approved Aug 2017 for ALL and May 2018 for NHL. It is critical to understand not just clinical trial results but real-world outcomes once these therapies are used commercially. This talk reviews accumulating data from real-world application of commercial tisagenlecleucel.


Anti-CD19 CAR T Cell Treatment for Lymphoma: Getting Closer to the Cure

Adrian Bot, PhD, Vice President and Global Head, Translational Medicine, Kite Pharma, a Gilead Company

CAR T cell therapy against CD19 showed considerable promise in B cell malignancies. In Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, evidence to date points to a subset of ≈40% of patients showing durable complete response years post-treatment, with evidence of normal B cell recovery. Detailed translational analysis uncovered product and tumor related features that may determine durable efficacy, with impact on next generation interventions.


Lessons from the Early Days of CD19 CAR T Cell Therapy for B Cell Malignancies

Cameron J. Turtle, MBBS PhD, Associate Professor, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre

Lymphodepletion followed by CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cells is a novel therapy for relapsed and/or refractory B cell malignancies. Using data from a large clinical trial of CD19 CAR T cell therapy in adults, factors impacting outcomes such as clinical responses and toxicities will be presented.

2:10 pm

Parallel CAR T Cell Immunotherapy of Refractory Cancer Types

John Maher, PhD, Consultant & Senior Lecturer, Immunology, Kings College London

2G CARs containing a CD28 or 41BB endodomain elicit remarkable efficacy in hematological malignancies. 3G CARs contain both co-stimulatory units, although impact has been muted. We postulated that effective dual co-stimulation requires juxta-membrane positioning of these domains within separate receptors. We demonstrate that such parallel CAR T-cells resist exhaustion and senescence, sustaining proliferation, cytokine release, cytokine signaling and metabolic fitness.


Latest Advances in CAR T Cell Therapy

Panel Moderator:
Adrian Bot, PhD, Vice President and Global Head, Translational Medicine, Kite Pharma, a Gilead Company
David L. Porter, MD, Professor & Director Cell Therapy & Transplantation, Hematology & Oncology, University of Pennsylvania
Cameron J. Turtle, MBBS PhD, Associate Professor, Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre
John Maher, PhD, Consultant & Senior Lecturer, Immunology, Kings College London
3:20 pm PEGS Connects - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Michael G. Tovey, Ph.D, Chief Scientific Advisor of Svar Life Science France, Svar Life Science
Svar´s Expert session will focus on AAV mediated gene therapy and potential neutralizing antibody response to AAV vectors. We know the importance of precisely quantify both the neutralizing antibody response prior to treatment, and the neutralizing antibody response to the recombinant AAV vector following treatment. Talk to us about how our highly sensitive reporter-gene assays are used for the quantification of NAbs to recombinant AAV vectors with different capsid specificities.
3:30 pm SC3: Developability of Bispecific Antibodies: Formats and Applications

Separate registration required. See short course page for details.

4:00 pm Close of Day

Thursday, May 13


9:00 am

New Targets and Technologies for CAR T

Michael Hudecek, MD, Professor, Cellular Immunotherapy of Malignant Diseases, University of Wuerzburg

This talk will feature novel mechanisms of resistance to CAR-T therapy, novel target antigens and CAR-T cell products for treating multiple myeloma, virus-free transposon-based gene-transfer for CAR-T manufacturing, and a novel application for CAR-T in fungal infections.

9:20 am

Putting CARs into Overdrive Using Autonomous Inducible Expression of Throttles and Safety Belts

Daniel J. Powell Jr., PhD, Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

One route to improve CAR T cell activity and safety is to engineer T cells for co-expression of the CAR and accessory molecules that address these clinical challenges. Most co-expression systems rely on the use of constitutive promoters for stable transgene expression, multiple viral vectors, or both, which adds cost and complexity to cell manufacturing, yields a non-homologous T cell product, and unregulated, constitutive expression of the accessory molecule. To improve CAR T cell manufacturing, activity and safety, we developed a single lentiviral vector system called UniVect that combines cell autonomous, antigen-induced production of a selected accessory molecule with constitutive expression of a CAR.

9:40 am

CRISPR-Based Enhancement of CAR T Activity

Marco Ruella, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Scientific Director, Lymphoma Program, Division of Hematology and Oncology and Center for Cellular Immunotherapies, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Ruella will discuss the recent developments in CAR T cell immunotherapy from his laboratory. He will discuss findings on the mechanisms of resistance to CART therapy and novel strategies to enhance CART functions. Finally, he will present recent data on the development of CART products for other hematological malignancies that do not express CD19.

10:00 am

Addressing the Repertoire of Gamma Delta Targets in Human Tumors

Daniel Olive, MD, PhD, Head, Tumor Immunology, Marseille Cancer Research Center

A key question regarding cell therapies and antibodies is the existence of targets recognized by gamma delta T cells. We will present an extensive study of gamma delta T cells and ligands in solid tumors and leukemias.

Rogier Reijmers, PhD, Principal Scientist & Head of Validation Research, LUMICKS

While affinity of scFv is a poor predictor of CAR T-cell efficacy, overall binding strength (avidity) represents a crucial parameter for identifying and developing potent immunotherapies. Avidity reflects the bona fide interactions between T-cells and tumor cells and could therefore better predict effectiveness. The z-Movi® Cell Avidity Analyzer is a unique instrument for direct measurement of cellular avidity providing a novel method to accelerate cell immunotherapy.


New Engineering Approaches to CAR T Therapy

Panel Moderator:
Daniel J. Powell Jr., PhD, Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Hudecek, MD, Professor, Cellular Immunotherapy of Malignant Diseases, University of Wuerzburg
Marco Ruella, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Scientific Director, Lymphoma Program, Division of Hematology and Oncology and Center for Cellular Immunotherapies, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Olive, MD, PhD, Head, Tumor Immunology, Marseille Cancer Research Center
Rogier Reijmers, PhD, Principal Scientist & Head of Validation Research, LUMICKS
11:10 am Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall



Antibody and Vaccine Development for COVID-19

Panel Moderator:
Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD, Professor, La Jolla Institute for Immunology
  • What didn’t go well during the pandemic?
  • What is the future? Will there be an mRNA vaccine for influenza?
  • What did we learn about our country’s ability to manufacture during surge production? 
  • What is needed in terms of infrastructure?
Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, FASTMH, FAAP, Dean, National School of Tropical Medicine; Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology & Microbiology; Co-Head, Section of Pediatric Tropical Medicine; Health Policy Scholar, Baylor College of Medicine
Lakshmi Krishnan, PhD, A/Vice-President, Life Sciences, National Research Council Canada, Government of Canada
Peter W. Marks, MD, PhD, Director, FDA CBER
12:15 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall

Breakout Discussions

12:30 pm Problem Solving Discussions

Join your colleagues and fellow delegates for a focused, informal discussion moderated by a member of our speaking faculty.  A small group format allows participants to meet potential collaborators, share examples from their own work and discuss ideas with peers. See website for a full list of topics.

TABLE: Next-Generation Cell-based Immunotherapies

Adrian Bot, PhD, Vice President and Global Head, Translational Medicine, Kite Pharma, a Gilead Company
  • ​Emerging trends in cell-based immunotherapies
  • Gene-edited immunotherapies
  • Autolous and Allogenic strategies
  • Impact and limitations of NK-CARs, CAR-Ms
1:10 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


1:20 pm

Advancing Solid Tumor Immunotherapy Platforms

Saul J. Priceman, PhD, Assistant Professor, Hematology & Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, City of Hope Beckman Research Institute

CAR-engineered T cell immunotherapy is under active investigation for the treatment of patients with advanced solid tumors, in light of the exceptional clinical responses seen in hematological malignancies, particularly CD19-targeting CAR T cells. However, major inhibitory mechanisms are hindering durable anti-tumor responses in solid tumors, which are addressing using novel combination therapies as well as innovative intrinsic editing approaches to improve overall anti-tumor immunity and durable therapeutic responses.

1:40 pm

Development of an Allogeneic Anti-GD2 T Cell Therapy for Neuroblastoma Utilizing a Novel Dimeric Antigen Receptor (DAR) Structure

Wenzhong Guo, PhD, Vice President, Cell Therapy, Sorrento Therapeutics Inc.

Neuroblastoma remains an incurable malignancy. GD2 is highly expressed on neuroblastoma tissue. We have developed an allogeneic T cell therapy approach utilizing genetic engineering of donor-derived T cells to express an anti-GD2DAR. Preclinical data demonstrate DAR-T has superior anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo against neuroblastoma compared to CAR T cells. 

2:00 pm

TIL Therapy: An Advanced Adoptive Cell Therapy Platform for the Treatment of Solid Cancers

John B.A. Haanen, MD, PhD, Professor, Translational Immunotherapy of Cancer, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands Cancer Institute

TIL therapy is a promising cell therapy approach. Both academic institutions and biotech companies have shown activity of TIL therapy in multiple cancer types, including melanoma, NSCLC, HPV-associated cancers, and others. TIL consists of deploying cancer-reactive tumor-infiltrated T cells, following in vitro re-activation and expansion, for therapy. Currently, of all cell therapies, TIL has been most successful. A randomized phase 3 trial in melanoma has almost finished accrual.

2:20 pm

Investigating the Power of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes for Treatment of Cancer

Maria Fardis, PhD, President & CEO, Iovance Biotherapeutics

Iovance is currently conducting pivotal studies in patients with metastatic melanoma and advanced cervical cancer. In addition, the company’s TIL therapies are being investigated for the treatment of patients with locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic cancers including head and neck and non-small cell lung cancer. Clinical studies of T cell therapy for blood cancers called peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) therapy are being planned.

Dr. Jef Pinxteren, Director of Process and Analytical Development, Catalent Cell and Gene Therapy, Science and Development, Catalent Cell and Gene Therapy

Catalent will discuss a breadth of analytical methodologies facilitating manufacturing design and accelerating CAR-T therapies to commercial readiness phase.

Attendees will be able to gain insight into:

  • Benefits of working with a full-service provider of analytical methods
  • Strategy and process flow from analytical assay development to GMP implementation for clinical and commercial manufacturing

Cell-Based Immunotherapy Towards Solid Tumors

Panel Moderator:
Saul J. Priceman, PhD, Assistant Professor, Hematology & Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, City of Hope Beckman Research Institute
Adrian Bot, PhD, Vice President and Global Head, Translational Medicine, Kite Pharma, a Gilead Company
Maria Fardis, PhD, President & CEO, Iovance Biotherapeutics
Wenzhong Guo, PhD, Vice President, Cell Therapy, Sorrento Therapeutics Inc.
Dr. Jef Pinxteren, Director of Process and Analytical Development, Catalent Cell and Gene Therapy, Science and Development, Catalent Cell and Gene Therapy
3:30 pm Close of Conference

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